WRK/360 partners with companies to provide coaching and training programs to support working parents and caregivers throughout their care & career journey.
73% of all employees have some type of current caregiving responsibility and the lack of support costs U.S. businesses $35 BILLION annually.
Company leaders drastically underestimate both the number of caregivers in their workforce. And, it's not just moms who are impacted. One third of men change jobs when they become caregivers.
Over 70% of Mothers and over 90% of Fathers are in the workforce. And in more than 62% of families, both parents are employed.
Yet our work structures continue to expect that there is a stay-at-home parent that is solely responsible for all or at least the majority of caregiving responsibilities.
81% of women and 63% of men are in dual-career couples. Yet 70% of executives have stay-at-home partners.
Within opposite-gender dual-career couples, women are four times more likely than men to take on tasks at home, regardless of who earns more
51% of women quit their jobs due to a lack of work/life boundaries
The majority of the women quitting left to find a job where they were better supported to manage career and care. Only 37% left for a better salary and 8% left to take care of their children full time.
1 in 4 women are considering downshifting or leaving the workforce.
Senior Level women are more burned out, more exhausted and feel pressure to work more.
(mckinsey women in the workplace 2020)